Presentations and Lectures
»Are we ready to recommend ourselves to AI?«, Invited Keynote, 1st International Conference (FOACON2024), National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, 13.-17.5, 2024 [online]
»An Archenemy of Peace: The Superhuman Fallacy«, Invited Keynote, A Contemporary Inquiry on the Philosophy of Peace: War, Peace, and Religion, Pilosopiyang Bikolnon, Republic of the Philippines, Legazpi City, 5.5.2024 [online]
Panel Discussion on »The Pluralization and Diversification of Philosophy: A Constructive Approach«, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, USA, 8.4.2024
»Superaltern Studies and African Philosophy«, African Philosophy Summer School, Nigeria/South Africa, 11.7.-14.7.2023 [online]
»Der superioristische Fehlschluss. Nurtiere und Geradenochmenschen«, Invited Keynote, Tier im Fokus – Tierrechtskongress 2023, Zürich, Switzerland, 5.5.-7.5.2023
»Epistemic anti-female* violence and its consequences for the female* body«, Women and their Body, Conference at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany, 16.-17.3.2023 [online]
»Andro*-Superiorism. Anti-Female* Thought and the Super-human Fallacy in Western Canonical Philosophy«, Invited Lecture at the Seminar: In Search of Epistemic Justice: A tentative Cartography (Bar-Ilan University/Israel, Northwestern University/USA, Université Paris/France, Stanford University/USA), 4.6.2023 [online]
»The Problem of Male Supremacist Violence in Philosophy«, Philosophical Society of Southern Africa 2023 Annual Conference, Department of Philosophy, University of Johannesburg, 16.1.-18.1.2023 [online]
»Anti-Female* Thought in Western Philosophy«, Riyadh Philosophy Conference, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia, 1.-3.12.2022
»Rejection the Superiorism of Western Philosophy«, APA Live Webinar [with Bryan Van Norden, Elvis Imafidon, Mpho Tshivhase, Siseko Kumalo], 28.11.2022
»Mithu Sanyal’s Novel Identitti. An Introduction«, Introduction to the Seminar with Mithu Sanyal at SOAS/University of London, London, UK, 18.11.2022
»The Superhuman Fallacy. On the Arrogance of Western Philosophers«, Guest Lecture at the City School of London, UK, 11.11.2022
»Nurtiere und Geradenochmenschen. Über die Gemeinsamkeiten von speziesistischer und rassistischer Gewalt«, Invited Keynote, 8. Österreichischer Tierrechtskongress, Wien, Austria, 20.-23.10.2022
»Leben verachten. Eine Phänomenologie der nihilistischen Verachtung anhand der Werbung der amerikanischen Fast-Food-Kette Chick-Fil-A«, Minding Animals Germany Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 26.-27.8.2022
»Andro-Superiorism. Anti-Female Violence in the Historical Canon of Western Philosophy«, Invited Lecture at the University of Pretoria Seminar Series, Pretoria, South Africa, 12.8.2022
»Introductory Remarks to the Lecture Series: Fighting Anti-Female* Thought in Western Philosophy«, Introduction to the Lecture Series at SOAS/University of London: Contemporary Philosophy by Woman* Scholars, London, UK, 26.8.2022
»The Cycle of Superiorism. Practices of exclusion in western philosophy«, Workshop Philosophy and Exclusion, Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany, 10.6.2022
»Free Will and Determinism. Some Comments«, Book Launch Event, Aribiah Attoe: Groundwork for a New Kind of African Metaphysics:The Idea of Predeterministic Historicity, The Conversational Society of Philosophy, Nigeria, 27.5.2022
»Is Philosophy Just a Bunch of Dead White Guys?«, Presentation at the Undergraduate Taster Day, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, 26.2.2022
Panel Discussion on »Gender Equality and Sustainable Development«, SOAS Open Day: Addressing the global challenges of our time, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, 23.2.2022
of Philosophy«, Invited Symposium at the 2022 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Baltimore, USA, 5.1.-8.1.2022 [invited, postponed to 2023]
»Introduction«, Workshop of the PEGASUS Studierendengruppe »Expanding Horizons. African Philosophy at the Intersections of Race, Gender and Decolonisation«, University Paderborn, Germany, December 6, 2021
Guest Speaker: Philosophy & History of African-European Cultural Relations, Course given by Prof Benda Hofmeyer, University of Pretoria, South Africa, November 22, 2021
»White Supremacy and Philosophy«, Presentation at the UNESCO World Philosophy Day, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of University of Santo Tomas, Legazpi, The Dominican University in Bicol, Philippines, November 21, 2021
Presentation of submitted articles at the Workshop on Dictionary of African Philosophy, UNESCO World Philosophy Day, Department of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria, November 18, 2021
Desuperiorisation of Western Philosophy in the African Classroom«, 1st Emerging Ideas on Conversational Thinking Conference, Collaboration of The Conversational Society of Philosophy and Thinking Africa, Future Africa Campus, University of Pretoria, South Africa, October 7-10, 2021 [postponed]
»The Problem of Superiorism and the Project of Superaltern Studies. Introduction into the Conference Topic«, A Call for the Desuperiorization of Philosophy and the Foundation of Superaltern Studies. An International Conference, online, August 11-13, 2021
»Philosophy and the Problem of Superiorism«, Workshop (in collaboration with Ana Paula Coehlo Rodrigues) of the International Association of Women Philosophers: Defining the Future, Rethinking the Past, Paderborn, Germany, July, 18-21, 2021
Invited Speaker at »The Question of the Superiority and Inferiority of Race«, Seminar convened by African Researchers Network, July 7, 2021
»Racial and speciest Violence. On Justanimals and Barelyhumans«, Presentation at the 30th International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, June 22-24, 2021, Virtual Conference
»Veganism as a part of an anti-oppressive way of life«, Presentation at Conference »Veganism: A Paradigm Shift?«, Università La Sapienza, Dipartimento Filosofia, Rome, Italy, June 9-11, 2021
Der superioristische Fehlschluss. Zur Notwendigkeit der Uebermenschenstudien und der Revision des philosophischen Kanons«, Invited Guest Lecture at »Koselleck-Projekt«, University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany, June 7, 2021
»Entwicklungspolitik und Dekolonisation«, Guest Lecture at the PEGASUS Studierendengruppe of the Project »In der Philosophie zu Hause«, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany, May 20, 2021
Speaker (in collaboration with Yvette Freter) at the »De-Colonising Critical Theory Workshop«, Critical Theory Network, May 5, 2021
»Towards an Africa Post Colonialism«, Presentation at the 20th Annual Africa Conference at The University of Texas at Austin Department of History, University of Texas at Austin, USA, April 3-5, 2021
Speaker at the University of Regina’s Faculty of Education at the virtual book launch panel and discussion of »Decolonisation as Democratisation«, with editor Siseko H. Kumalo and contributors Farmakhanu (Fatima) Pirbhai-Illich, Fran Martin, Yvette Freter and Ulrike Kistner, Saskatchewan, Canada, March 5, 2021
»Epistemic Marginalisation and the Task of Contemporary African Philosophers«, Panel Speech at The Conversational School of Philosophy Webinar: »Overcoming the Challenges of System Building and Conversation in the Contemporary Period of African Philosophy, Lagos State University, Nigeria, February 12, 2021
Speaker at the University of Uppsala the virtual book launch panel and discussion of »Decolonisation as Democratisation«, with editor Siseko H. Kumalo and Abraham Oliver Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, February 2, 2021
»The Hate U Give “F” Us All: “Race” and Racism in Student Evaluation of Teaching«, Symposium in cooperation with LaVada Taylor, Yvette Freter, Ramon Vasquez, Donyell Roseboro, 2021 American Educational Research Association, Virtual Annual Meeting, April 9, 2021
»Towards a world post colonialism. Adseredition and Desuperiorization«, Southeast Philosophy of Education Society, 73nd Annual Meeting, virtual meeting, February 19.-20, 2021
»Black Psychosis: Undoing the Damages of Slavery and Colonialism on An African Mind Agenda«, Academic Guest Speaker at the African Research Network, February 1, 2021
»Education in a Time of Crisis: A Cultural Studies Perspective« (in cooperation with Scott Ellison, Yvette Freter, David Hernandez-Saca, Shehreen Iqtadar), Annual American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Conference, Symposium, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A., October 28-November 1, 2020 [Conference Canceled]
»A world post colonialism. Adseredition and Desuperiorization as prerequisite of a healed society«, Annual American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Conference, Paper Presentation, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A., October 28-Novemnber 1, 2020 [Conference Canceled]
Guest Speaker: The Legacies of Colonialism, Course given by Prof Benda Hofmeyer, University of Pretoria, October 7, 2020
»Anti-Superiorism. On the ties between Veganism and Decolonisation of Thought«, CARE – Conference on Animal Rights in Europe, August 14-16, 2020, online-conference
»Einführung in das Tagungsthema«, 44. Sokratisches Treffen in Würzburg: »Afrikanische Philosophie«, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, May 15-17, 2020 [postponed]
»Against ‘Development’: Some Comments on the prevailing tacit Colonialism in Contemporary Western Developmental Politics«, Annual Africa Conference: »Towards the African Renaissance: Opportunities, Challenges, and Prospects«, Nashville, U.S.A., April 9-10, 2020 [postponed]
»The reciprocal illumination of Life and Literature. Some Considerations on the Formation of the Human Being through Stories«, Commissioned Lecture at the Seminary of All Saints, Uhiele-Ekpoma, 2nd International Conference: »Formation of the Human Person in the 21st Century«, Uhiele-Ekpoma, Nigeria, March 18-20, 2020 [participation via video-software]
»Breaking Superiorism in Education. Some Remarks on Adseridation, Desuperiorisation and the »Diversity Reading List««, Southeast Philosophy of Education Society, 72nd Annual Meeting in Athens (Georgia), U.S.A., February 21-22, 2020
»Working Against Colonial Reproduction in Higher Education: Embracing a Decolonial Epistemological and Pedagogical Approach« (in cooperation with Yvette P. Franklin), American Educational Studies Association Conference Annual, Baltimore, U.S.A., October 31-November 3, 2019
The Cycle of Superiorism. On the necessity of a reevaluation of the philosophical canon«, Annual American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Conference, Baltimore, U.S.A., October 31-November 3, 2019
»Considering Ubuntu as basis for an African alternative to the colonially contaminated concept of ‘Development’«, 25th International Society for African Philosophy and Studies Conference: African Philosophy and Development, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, U.S.A., July 9-10, 2019
Guest Speaker at the Summer University of Tennessee, Topics in International Education (CSE 549), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, U.S.A., June 20, 2019
»Desuperiorization of Philosophy. Introductory Remarks to the Panel: Decolonisation & Desuperiorisation. On the Dangers of Western Thought«, 14th Annual International Conference on Philosophy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, May 27-30, 2019
»Plagiarism, Self Plagiarism and Research in Philosophy« (in cooperation with Elvis Imafidon), Public Lecture delivered to the Department of Philosophy and Department of Theology, Catholic Major Seminary of All Saints, Uhiele-Ekpoma, Nigeria, April 9, 2019 [participation via video-software]
»Philosophie aus Afrika? Die Bedeutung afrikanischer Denker für den Westen«, Lecture at the Urania Berlin, Berlin, Germany, March 1, 2019
»Ein Teil vom Ganzen. Über einige Hauptströmung der Philosophie Afrikas und ihre Bedeutung für die Philosophie als Humanum«, Working Group »Global Philosophy« (Prof. Dr. Stefan Gosepath), Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, February 15, 2019
»Die andere Seite der Aufklärung. Superiorismus und kulturelle Überheblichkeit«, Lecture at the Urania Berlin, Berlin, Germany, February 5, 2019
»Veganismus als Anti-Nihilismus«, Minding Animals Germany Annual Meeting, Wien, Austria, October 2-4, 2018
»Mechanical Existentialism. Democritus and the Ought«, International Association for Presocratic Studies, Sixth Biennial Conference, Delphi, Greece, June 25-29, 2018
»Dangerous Thought. On Western Thinking and the Need to Decolonise through Desuperiorisation«, 13th Annual International Conference on Philosophy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, May 28-29, 2018
»Lessing praktische Philosophie. Tätige Aufklärung im bürgerlichen Trauerspiel«, 42. Sokratisches Treffen: Reformation und Gegenreformation, Aufklärung und Gegenaufklärung, Würzburg, Germany, April 27-29, 2018
»Anti-Enlightenment and Practical Nihilism. On the industrial mass killing of non-human animals«, 4º Congreso Internacional Minding Animals, Mexico City, Mexico, January 17-24, 2018
»Desuperisation des Denkens. Über einige Merkwürdigkeiten des westlichen Denkens und die Dekolonisation Afrikas«, Lecture at the Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, December 12, 2017
»Metaphysik der Freundschaft. Normativität als gesteigerte Lebendigkeit«, V. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie, Zentrum für Ethik und Armutsforschung & Fachbereich für Philosophie (KTH) der Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, November 16-17, 2017
»Non-human animals and forced displacement« (in cooperation with Filip Maj), 7th Annual Wild Coast Philosophy Symposium, Theme: Displacement, Chintsa, South Africa, October 28, 2017
»De-Othering the Other«, 8th Zululand Humanities and Social Sciences Conference 2017: Decolonizing knowledge production and dissemination in the humanities and social sciences, Richards Bay, South Africa, October 18-20, 2017
»Decolonization and Desuperiorization. On a troubling mystery of Western Thought«, Second African Philosophy World Conference: The State of African Philosophy in Africa Today, Calabar, Nigeria, October 12-14, 2017
»Desuperiorization of Thought. Western thinkers and the responsibility to complement the efforts of philosophical decolonialization through action and active inaction«, First Annual Philosophy Lecture of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, October 10, 2017
»The problem of the lie in caring for People with Dementia«, Care today, cure tomorrow, 27th Alzheimer Europe Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 2-4, 2017
»An attempt to rehabilitate the normative category of Evil in political discourse. On the Phenomenology of Evil and its Application to Donald Trump«, Societas Ethica’s 54th Annual Conference: Giving an Account of Evil. Das Böse verantworten, Volos, Greece, August 25-27, 2017
»An attempt to establish the genesis of the ought«, Eight Meeting on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, June 6-9, 2017
»Tolerance and Respect. An examination of material difference and formal identity«, 12th Annual International Conference on Philosophy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, May 22-25, 2017
»Against the Other. Practices of Contempt, Irrationality, Nihilism and Anti-Enlightenment: Xenophobia in contemporary Germany«, Justice and the Other, 4th Annual International Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in South Africa, Chintsa, South Africa, March 24-26, 2017
»Dürfen wir in der Pflege demenzkranker Menschen lügen?«, 9. Kongress der Deutschen Alzheimer Gesellschaft, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 29- October 1, 2016
»Might is Right. The industrial mass killing of animals«, Making Sense of the Animal – Human Bond and Relationship(s). The Making Sense of the Animal – Human Bond Project: 3rd Global Meeting, Mansfield College, Oxford, England, September 19-21, 2016
»Excess of Self-care, Impoverished Reality and Narcissism. On the Phenomenology of Evil«, 21st Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion: »Evil«, Uppsala, Sweden, August 25-28, 2016
»The Other, the Foreigner, the Enemy. Contempt and Xenophobia in contemporary Germany«, International Network for Alternative Academia: Otherness, Agency and Belonging, 5th International Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, May 19-21, 2016
»Democritus on being and ought«, III International Congress of Greek Philosophy, Iberian Society of Greek Philosophy, Lisbon, Portugal, April 20-22, 2016
»Metaphysik der Freundschaft. Normativität als gesteigerte Lebendigkeit«, Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover, Hannover, Germany, April 12, 2016
»Living Theology. Jesuit Theology of the Will and Certainty of Salvation in Jakob Bidermann’s »Cenodoxus««, Jesuit Culture between the Arts, Department of Cultural Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus Universität ToruÅ„, Poland, April 6-7, 2016
»Wirklichkeitsbegriff und Leidensdruck im paranoid-schizophrenen Erleben«, Training Workshop at the Department for Psychiatry, Schlosspark-Klinik, Berlin, Germany, March 21, 2016
»Substantialistische Übersetzung. Zu Hölderlins Arbeit an Sophokles«, Translationswissenschaft zwischen Qualitätsmanagement und Übersetzungskritik, Institut für Germanische Philologie der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität, PoznaÅ„, Poland, March 10-11, 2016
»Andauernde Feier des Heiligen. Über Goethes panhierarchische Religiosität«, Philosophie und Religion versus Literatur und Kunst, Institut für Germanistische Philologie der Universität GdaÅ„sk, Poland, October 9-10, 2015
»Life is always life’s story. A contribution to the question concerning the significance of literary fiction for ethics«, Frontiers in the Philosophy of Literature, Institute for the Study of Cultures, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, September 25-26, 2015
»Nursing as Accommodated Care. A Contribution to the Phenomenology of Care. Appeal – Concern – Volition – Practice«, International Summer School: “Caring about Care”, University of Freiburg, Department of Medical Ethics and the History of Medicine, Freiburg, September 7-11, 2015 and Presentation at the workshop “Caring about Care”, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, February 8, 2016
»The fundamental drama of man is repeated in the drama of dementia«, 25th Alzheimer Europe Conference: Dementia: putting strategies and research into practice, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2-4, 2015
»Pflege als akkommodierte Sorge. Ein Beitrag zur Phänomenologie der Sorge. Ansprache – Angelegenheit – Volition – Praxis«, Internal Training Workshop at the Department for Neurology, Schlosspark-Klinik, Berlin, Germany, July 24, 2015
»Towards a description of love: Two-fold positing and decontingentisation. A contribution to a phenomenology of normativity«, International conference of the International Network for Alternative Academia: Love. Lust and Longing. Rethinking Intimacy. 5th International Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, March 13-15, 2015